For Steel & Tube, quality is key in everything we do, from the sourcing and production of products, through to customer service and delivery. We are committed to providing customers and stakeholders with consistent, outstanding service and strive to deliver quality products in a way that meets and exceeds our customers’ expectations every time.
We are focused on creating a culture where quality is at the heart of all we do. Each person in Steel & Tube has a responsibility to ensure that our commitment to quality is delivered every time a customer or stakeholder engages us.
Ensuring high quality, durable and trusted products is essential to what we do, underpinned by independent audits and certifications.
Steel & Tube is ISO 9001:2015 certified by our external certifying body Telarc. Any new members of the Steel & Tube team will quickly be brought up to the same high standard.
We are an inaugural Chartered Member of the Sustainable Steel Council, providing independently verified proof that our business is making positive strides in the natural, financial, social and human capitals.
We are certified against the Structural Steel Distributor Charter which ensures that structural steels supplied to the local steel construction sector are sourced using best-practice procurement; it represents a mark of excellence for structural steel distributors in New Zealand.
Steel & Tube is certified against the Bolt Importer Charter, which ensures that structural fasteners supplied to the local steel construction industry are sourced using good procurement practice and represents a mark of excellence for bolt importers in New Zealand.
We work with LRQA (Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance) to perform independent third party quality and ESG assessments of our supplier mills within Asia, Pacific and Europe.
We undertake random sampling of high-risk products, which are tested by an independent IANZ accredited laboratory in New Zealand for verification to the relevant standard. LRQA also verify the sample test certificates of high and medium risk products against the reference standard.
We are continually improving the traceability of our products and raw materials, with digital technology playing an important role. We are committed to making more options to make the process of getting test certificates as easy as possible.
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